When you are at the HAM-JAM, don’t forget to explore the rest of Effingham! Effingham, Illinois offers a rich historical experience along with the natural beauty of the surrounding areas. Explore its sites, festivals, and outdoor activities for an unforgettable visit. Discover Effingham’s unique appeal and create lasting memories along the way.

Welcome to Effingham
The HAM-JAM showcases the community to over 2,500 visitors and residents, making Effingham a destination. Each year, the event attracts more visitors with new activities and the planning committee continues to fine tune the activities to appeal to a broad audience.
Hotel Accommodations
Call LaQuinta Inn & Suites to receive a 20% discount on your room rate. Mention EffingHAM-JAM when reserving.

1103 Avenue of Mid America, Effingham, Illinois 62401
Visit the Effingham Convention & Visitors Bureau website to learn more about lodging in the Effingham area.